Insulation Jackets

Insulation Jackets are one of the most widely used insulations in industry that are wrapped around industrial equipment and consist of three main components:

  • Outer protective cover: This layer is designed to protect the insulation from its surrounding environment.
  • Insulation mat: Usually made of fiberglass with a thickness of 1 inch, which retains heat. The thickness of this layer can vary from ½ inch to 4 inches, depending on the required heat reduction.
  • Inner lining: This layer helps keep the insulation mat in place and can also act as a barrier to protect the insulation mat against liquid leaks.

Thermal insulation jackets can be filled with various types of insulating materials, such as aerogel, wool, or fiberglass, which are often layered for maximum heat retention.

In addition to the above three components, all insulation jackets include fastening systems to ensure that the jackets are securely and safely installed around the equipment. Common fastening methods include:

  • Stainless steel wiring
  • Straps
  • Springs
  • Buttons
  • Velcro

These components and fastening methods are designed so that thermal insulation jackets can effectively retain heat.

Klevers Aryana Company’s insulation jacket products are used for thermal protection, corrosion protection, resistance to mechanical stress, fire control, noise control, and more.

Types of Insulation Jackets These insulations can be divided into three categories:

  • Blanket Insulation Jacket
  • Cladding Insulation Jacket
  • Valve Thermal Insulation – Specific for Valves

Each of these two designs has its own advantages and is used for various applications.

  • Blanket Insulation: In this design, the insulation material is placed between fabric coverings and then installed on the equipment.
  • Cladding Insulation: In this design, the insulation material is placed on the equipment and then covered with metal sheets made of aluminum, steel, or galvanized material.
  • Valve Insulation Jacket: In this design, it’s a flexible and efficient insulation used for thermal and fire-resistant insulation of various industrial valves, including flow control valves and emergency shut-off valves.
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Capabilities of Klevers Aryana Company

Klevers Aryana Company, with access to various European insulating and fabric materials and modern equipment for fabric cutting and sheet metal work, has the capability to produce various models of thermal jacket insulation from start to finish.

Applications of Jacket Insulation

These insulations are used for most high-temperature systems and can be produced for various geometries. They are used in pillow and cladding designs for turbines, compressors, valves, pipelines, boilers, reactors, tanks, and more.

Due to their numerous features and advantages, thermal jacket insulations are used in a wide range of industries and applications. Below are some of the most important uses of these insulations:

کاربرد عایق ژاکتی در توربین ها


Thermal jacket insulations are ideal for insulating gas and steam turbines that face high temperatures and mechanical stresses. These insulations help maintain energy efficiency and reduce operational costs.

کاربرد عایق ژاکتی در ولو و شیر آلات

Valves and Industrial Fittings

Jacket insulations are used for thermal insulation and fire protection of various industrial fittings, including control valves and emergency shutdown valves. These insulations prevent heat loss and protect the fittings from corrosion and wear.

کاربرد عایق حرارتی ژاکتی در لوله ها


Thermal jacket insulations are used for insulating pipelines carrying hot and cold fluids. These insulations prevent condensation and rust formation, helping to maintain the optimal temperature of fluids.

عایق حرارتی ژاکتی در بویلرها و تانک ها

Tanks, Boilers, and Steam Drums

These insulations are used for insulating storage tanks containing chemicals, petroleum products, and other industrial materials. Jacket insulations prevent heat loss and reduce the temperature of stored materials, protecting tanks from corrosion and environmental damage. Additionally, these insulations are used for insulating boilers and steam drums. They prevent heat loss and help improve energy efficiency, which leads to reduced operational and maintenance costs.

کاربرد عایق ژاکتی در کمپرسورها


Jacket insulations are used for insulating compressors, preventing heat and sound loss. These insulations also help reduce vibrations and improve the efficiency of compressors.

عایق حرارتی ژاکتی در صنایع نفت و گاز

Oil and Gas Industries

In refineries, petrochemical plants, and oil and gas pipelines, jacket insulations are used for thermal insulation and protection of equipment and pipelines. These insulations help reduce energy costs and increase safety in industrial environments.

کاربرد عایق های ژاکتی حرارتی در صنایع نیروگاهی

Power Plants

Thermal jacket insulations are used in power plants for insulating various equipment, including boilers, turbines, steam lines, and water pipes. These insulations help maintain energy efficiency and reduce operational costs.

عایق ژاکتی در صنایع شیمیائی

Chemical Industries

Jacket insulations are used in chemical industries to insulate equipment and pipelines carrying corrosive chemicals. These insulations prevent heat loss and help extend the lifespan of equipment.

عایق ژاکتی حرارتی در کاربرد صنایع غذائی

Food and Pharmaceutical Industries

Jacket insulations are used in the food and pharmaceutical industries for thermal insulation of equipment and production lines. These insulations help maintain the desired temperature for processes and reduce energy consumption.

Klevers Aryana Company, with extensive experience and expertise in the production and supply of thermal jacket insulations, offers ideal solutions tailored to your needs.

Steps for Designing and Manufacturing Thermal Jacket Insulation

The technical team at Klevers Aryana uses thermography and precise measurements of the equipment surface to understand its type and function. They then create a 3D model using advanced design software. With specialized thermal transfer software and conditions specified by the client, the most optimal insulation arrangement is determined, and a high-quality insulation system is produced using top-quality European materials.

For more information, read the article “Thermal Insulation: Introduction to Types, Benefits, and Buying Guide.”

Suggested Reading: Applications of Thermal Jacket Insulation in the Power Industry: An Efficient Solution to Increase Efficiency

Advantages of Thermal Jacket Insulation

Installing jacket insulations on equipment and industrial systems offers a range of important benefits for professionals in the industry:

Energy Efficiency

Without using thermal jacket insulation, even in systems that have some insulating materials, the likelihood of heat leakage into the surrounding environment increases. This heat leakage reduces system energy efficiency and increases the surrounding temperature. Thermal jacket insulations prevent heat loss within the system, leading to increased energy efficiency and greater comfort for operators.

Cost Savings

Thermal efficiency is directly related to operational costs. If heat is lost somewhere in the system, the company must consume more energy to compensate for it. Thermal jacket insulations are a simple way to prevent heat loss, thereby reducing energy costs. Some government programs also offer rebates to offset the cost of thermal insulations, leading to further savings.

Poor thermal management can damage heat-sensitive components. This damage can lead to premature equipment failure. Investing in preventive measures, including the installation and maintenance of thermal jacket insulations, can help avoid these costly consequences.

Improved Safety for Employees

Industrial equipment, such as engines and exhaust systems, regularly operates at high temperatures. If these temperatures are not controlled, they can cause serious problems. By using thermal jacket insulations, facility managers and owners can reduce risks such as employee burns (from accidental contact with hot surfaces and steam), fatigue (due to high workplace temperatures), slips (from increased condensation), and inhalation of fumes (from equipment fires).

Extended Equipment Life

Thermal jacket insulations protect industrial equipment and systems from damage and degradation caused by the following:

  • Environmental Factors: Environmental elements can greatly affect system components. For example, snow and ice can add extra weight to parts, causing stress, while rain and condensation can lead to corrosion. Thermal jacket insulations can reduce environmental threats (although they cannot completely eliminate them).

  • Extreme Operating Temperatures: Exposure to very high or low temperatures causes metal to expand or contract. These subtle changes can, over time, reduce the material’s strength, leading to premature failure of components. Thermal jacket insulations address this issue by absorbing and retaining heat to maintain moderate operating temperatures.

  • Condensation: Pipes tend to sweat when there is a temperature difference between the internal and external environment. The resulting condensation can cause rust, mold, electrical damage, and damage to nearby equipment. Thermal jacket insulations prevent condensation by reducing the temperature difference between the equipment and its surroundings.

By performing these functions, thermal jacket insulations help extend the useful life of machinery, leading to reduced operational and maintenance costs in the long term.

Purchasing Thermal Jacket Insulation

To purchase jacket insulation from Klevers Aryana, you can contact the sales team and provide the specifications of your equipment and your needs to receive comprehensive consultation. Klevers Aryana also offers support and installation services to its customers.